Zed certification consultants in Chennai
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Zero Defect, Zero Effect Scheme

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last five decades. MSMEs play crucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries.

It also helps in industrialization of rural & backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth. MSMEs are complementary to large industries as ancillary units and this sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of the country. MSMEs consist of 36 million units, as of today, provides employment to over 80 million persons. The Sector through more than 6,000 products contributes about 8% to GDP besides 45% to the total manufacturing output and 40% to the exports from the country.

The MSME sector has the potential to spread industrial growth across the country and can be a major partner in the process of inclusive growth Legacy of MSME Sector.

About ZED Scheme (Zero Defect, Zero Effect)

On India's 68th Independence Day, PM Modi urged the industry, especially the MSMEs of India, to manufacture goods in the country with "zero defects" and to ensure that the goods have "zero effect" on the environment.


To enable the advancement of Indian industry to a position of eminence in the global marketplace and leverage India’s emergence as the world’s supplier through the ‘Made in India’ mark.

To develop and implement a ‘ZED’ culture in India based on the principles of:

Zero Defect (focus on customer)

  • Zero non-conformance/non-compliance
  • Zero waste
Zero Effect (focus on society)
To develop and implement a ‘ZED’ culture in India based on the principles of:

Zero Defect (focus on customer)

  • Zero air pollution/liquid discharge (ZLD)/solid waste
  • Zero wastage of natural resources
Benefits of ZED
To develop and implement a ‘ZED’ culture in India based on the principles of:

Zero Defect (focus on customer)

  • Credible recognition of the industry for international customers seeking investment in India
  • Streamlined operations and lower costs
  • Superior quality, reduced rejection and higher revenues
  • Increased environmental & social benefits
  • Additional employment generation
  • Other benefits as announced by the Government from time to time
Make in India and ZED

The announcement of Make in India and Zero Defect Zero Effect put in perspective the governments’ intent to change the course of economy by focusing on manufacturing as an engine to sustained growth. In order to build the ecosystem to implement the idea, three important components emerged as the vehicle for this new transformation:

Zero Defect (focus on customer)

  • The Ease of Doing Business in India.
  • The confidence in quality of source material, components and services.
  • Making available competent human resource to drive the change.

While the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion took the responsibility of creating an atmosphere of Ease of doing business, Quality Council of India(QCI) along with the M/o MSME started exploring the idea of creating a holistic scheme to engage the MSME sector, long considered as a propellant for sustained growth, by improving their quality and competitiveness.

The ecosystem around ZED model is calibrated to make aware, assess, rate, counsel, handhold, re-assess & certify MSMEs and ensure that they rise up the ZED ladder, thus enhancing their competitiveness in the global marketplace and making them an important cog in the wheel in the “MAKE-IN-INDIA” campaign. It also, as a consequence, provides career opportunities for the youth in India.

Project Management
  • Mars Consultants shall appoint Consultant who shall be responsible for quality and effective implementation of system
  • Mars Consultants shall provide visits based on the need and status of the system.
  • Mars Consultants will communicate the date of visit of our consultant to the client by sending SMS at every week end
  • Mars Consultants shall provide detailed Visit report / Gap Analysis report for every visit
  • All activities shall be completed as per the target dates set during visiting dates of consultants.

Our Scope of Consultancy:

Gap analysis

We conduct a 360 degree appraisal of current systems and operations of your organization to identify gaps in current management system versus requirement of the particular ISO standard. On the basis of gap analysis, implementation plan is prepared.


We provide one of the most complete suite of training for various topics related to ZED covering awareness training, documentation training, implementation training, internal auditor training.

  • Awareness Training
  • Detailed training (as required by the organization)
  • Internal auditors training
System Establishment

We assist organization to establish the systems in line with the standards requirements and organizational requirements. We establish the following as a minimum:

  • Organization chart
  • Roles, Responsibilities and authorities
  • Defining Measure of performance for all processes (departments)
  • Assist in establishing SOPs / Work Instructions / flow charts and records
  • Control of documents
  • Control of records
  • Management review
  • Competence, awareness, and training
  • Work environment
  • Customer-related processes
  • Multidisciplinary approach.
  • Continual improvement of the organization
  • Corrective action
  • Preventive action
System Implementation

We assist in effective implementation of these documents to ensure that an effective and fully compliant management system is implemented in organization. This involves one to one coaching / mentoring or a group / departmental training. During the process of implementation, required systems will be amended to ensure that the systems are practicable and approachable for all personnel.

Conducting Internal audit

We ensure that internal audit is conducted by your team under our supervision for the first time or else we can conduct the internal audit for your organization. We make sure that the internal audit process becomes value adding activity and not just routine process.

Assistance in External Body Audit

Our expert consultants will provide you input and on site assistance if required to create the required level of comfort and confidence for your organization by being on site with you and your team at the time of audit. We make sure that the stage 1 and stage 2 audit processes get completed easily and smoothly. If required we provide post audit assistance to complete the audit formalities and ensure that you receive the certificate in time.